Thursday, March 12, 2009

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Day 70 - March 11

My kids sang for my Grandma's daycare today. I assume it was about a 10-12 minute show they put on. We try to get up there once a month to do it.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

day 69 - March 10

This is what I've been looking at for the past couple of days. I'm trying to get ideas for the tons of pictures that I need to scrapbook. I'll probably write more about this on my scrapbooking blog later.

Day 68 - March 9


All the boys are fascinated with them right now. They're always asking for more and more jars to put them in. Hey, as long as they don't come in the house....I don't care.

Day 67 - March 8

Look what else we got. We got these with pedastals off of Craig's list.

Day 66 - March 7

Such a pretty day outside!

Day 65 - March 6

He tried to wear these out of the house to co-op. He tried to tell me that the only pants that he had were too tight, but I told him to put them on anyways. I didn't realize that he was putting on KALEB'S pants! Fortunately I caught it before we left, and he was able to switch pants.

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Day 64 - March 5

Kaleb and Makenna climbed over the chair in the livin room to hide behind it in the corner. They play alot together when we're having school.

Day 63 - March 4

Makenna is not licking the syrup off her plate.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Day 62 - March 3 - UPDATED

Someone turned 38 today, and it wasn't me!!! Like his t-shirt?

Day 61 - March 2

Lookee what we got. Our fridge has been leaking for probably a year, so we finally took the plunge and got a new one. We're all pumped because it not only has an ice maker, but it makes crushed ice and has water in the door. Who-hee!!!!

Day 60 - March 1

It's getting to be that time of the year.